Fairtrade. Slow design. Circulaire kleding. Textiel van schimmels, mest, bananenbladen. Sustainable fashion is in de mode. Maar wat is duurzaamheid precies in een wereld waarin fast fashion de norm is? Welke trends maken echt het verschil? En hoe duurzaam is onze kleding in een toekomst waarin 3D-printers en robots de textielindustrie transformeren?


‘Future fashion now’ belicht verschillende perspectieven op duurzame mode, inclusief de trends om in de gaten te houden. Ook de kansen en uitdagingen van een groene en schone kledingindustrie komen aan bod. Net als voorbeelden van pioniers en initiatieven die de modewereld verduurzamen, nu en in de toekomst.


Werkzaam in de mode, als designer, producent, distributeur, retailer of marketeer? Alles weten over de trends, initiatieven en keurmerken die ertoe doen? Deze trendpresentatie inspireert!

Fair trade. Slow design. Circular production. Textiles made from fungal micro-organisms, cow manure and banana fibers. Sustainable fashion is all the rage. But what does sustainability mean in a consumer culture that is dominated by fast fashion? How can sustainable design and production make a difference? And how will our clothing become more sustainable with the advent of 3D printers, robots and other disruptive technologies?


‘Future fashion now’ explores a range of perspectives on today’s sustainable fashion trends. It gives an overview of the must-know trends and innovations as well as the challenges and opportunities in the route towards a green and fair textile industry. The presentation also includes examples of pioneering initiatives to make the fashion world sustainable, now and in the future.


‘Future fashion now’ is a thought-provoking presentation about trends, initiatives and certifications that will inspire fashion designers, producers, distributors, retailers and marketeers to become fit for the future.

     society | retail | lifestyle

  45 – 60  min

  1500 – 2000

 NL | EN

  2020 – 2025